Voice Actor - English/Spanish - sag/aftra

With a resonant tone and a wide and dynamic range, Nando is able to deliver friendly but professional reads for serious projects and silly character voices for animation. Trusted by companies such as Coca-Cola, Amazon, Ford, LEGO, Comedy Central and the BBC, Nando will always provide impeccable audio quality paired with a refined vocal ability.

Born and living in the US but raised in central Mexico, Nando can deliver an engaging American English and Latin American Spanish read, giving you the same delivery and tone in both languages for optimal consistency. This unique blend gives way to his signature trait: A very subtle and pleasing international accent when narrating in English and a very neutral Spanish accent that is accessible to any Spanish speaker, regardless of the region or country.

He prides himself in his ability to adapt to the project and its intention and will always work to get the perfect fit for the project at hand.

His voice acting carreer spans well over a decade, but he always felt there was a big lack of educational structure to character voice acting specifically. After coming up empty for a set framework, he decided to create his own; the RCSB framework. Since then, he's been able to apply the RCSB to characters portrayed in broadcast television, radio and all major gaming consoles.

Demo Reels

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Client List




- Vocal Booth - Studiobricks ONE PLUS (VO Edition)

- Mixing Studio - Separate mixing room for composition and audio engineering work


- Apple computer with backup drives

- Slate Digital VSM-ONE preamp

- MOTU M4 audio interface


- Slate Digital VMS ML-1 (primary microphone)

- Shure SM7b

- Audio Technica AT4040


- Logic Pro X

- Slate Digital and Waves plugins. 

- Source-Connect Standard


- Source-Connect, Zoom, Skype or Phone.

- Audio and video playback capabilities. 

- Video sync and lossless remote recording (Source-Connect only)

Video Reel

RCSB Framework

The RCSB (Rounded Character Speech Blueprint) is a voice acting framework created by Nando that is meant to help voice actors create or refine a compelling, unique, and well rounded character voice. It consists of 18 elements divided into 6 categories, each of which deals with a specific aspect of a voice. Collectively, they cover all the elements you can employ to develop the sound of your character voice, and just like in other aspects of life, giving each of the elements a name makes it much easier to understand, shape and mold at will. 

When properly applied, you can create a very compelling character voice of your own, regarless of age, gender, language or even the species of the character you're portraying. 

Visit the YouTube channel to learn how to use the RCSB

All information is put out for free, but if you'd like 1-on-1 coaching, please feel free to contact me. 
